Woman with a cashmere coatWearing: Limonium lavender spring coat

Don’t chase trends, build your Capsule Wardrobe on timeless high-quality classics that last you for years, making a great investment too. Leave room for seasonal favorites and some fun items to spice it up with.

The most important thing is to think about what YOU like, what kind of clothes make you feel good and confident? And from there create your own style. Confidence is the most attractive quality and great clothes make you feel like you can do anything.

Woman in a silk olive pattern dressWearing: Leibnitzia olive pattern cocktail dress

Mostly we create garments on-demand and made-to-measure, but we do have a small collection of garments in our boutique just for those occasions when clients pop in with the sentence “I need something beautiful for tonight!”.

Here are three perfect summer garments that are ready to be shipped today!

models in marimo luxury dressesWearing: Lilium dress, Luetkea dress and Leibnitzia olive pattern dress

Let me know about your dress preference by emailing us at

With love and Gratitude,

Founder & Designer

 portrait of Mariliis

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